Read Your Bible Daily with Our FREE Plan!

Read the entire Bible from Genesis through Revelation!

Our FREE full color and highly detailed reading plan will take you through the entire Bible from the word "In" to the word "Amen" in just one year.

This reading plan was created to provide an easy to follow, daily reading plan that takes you day by day, week by week through specific chapters and verses of the entire Bible. Each week is set aside on its own page, along with each day of the week having its own dedicated box. Inside this box you will find the reading of the day, highlights of what you will be reading on that day, and a check box for you to mark once you have completed that day's reading.

This is a FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of a PDF file, which is compatible on any mobile device. You may also print this PDF file from any home, office, or professional printer. 

Click Here to Download

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Welcome to the neighborhood! We look forward to sharing updates, event announcements, and giveaways with you. Until then, be blessed and start your new reading plan! Until the whole world hears... Pastor David Schmall Love Your Neighbor Ministries