This Is Us

Over the past 13 years, I have been privileged to serve as an ordained pastor, dedicating my life to the proclamation of the Gospel and the holistic ministry of the Church. My journey began as an evangelist, traversing underserved states in the U.S., driven by a passion to bring the transformative message of Christ to those in need. Rather than focusing solely on international missions, I started by ministering in my own community and expanded from there.

Answering the call to ministry, my wife and I attended a Bible Training Institute in Las Vegas NV, where we not only graduated, but where I also received ordination from both the school itself and the National Association of Christian Ministers. My experience at the school was unique, as I served both as a student and a student teacher. Leveraging my background in education and training, I was entrusted with the responsibility to teach while simultaneously continuing my own learning journey. Post-graduation, I assumed the role of Pastor of Evangelism, Discipleship, and Missions at the institute, where I taught for an additional 3 years.

During this time, I took on the challenge of revitalizing a struggling church as its Senior Pastor, leading the congregation beyond their four walls out into the community. Simultaneously, my wife and I spearheaded a separate ministry operating seven outreaches in underserved neighborhoods across Las Vegas. These outreaches, in collaboration with various partners, provided holistic services to families, addressing emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual needs. Our commitment to community service persisted until 2020.

Following the successful revitalization of the church, I transitioned to serve as a church planting pastor for a startup church in Las Vegas. In this role, I played a pivotal part in shaping the church's direction, served as a teaching pastor, and contributed to the worship team during services. Our time at the startup church spanned just under a year and a half.

As a proud member of the National Association of Christian Ministers, I have collaborated with pastors across the U.S., working towards the shared goal of building and rebuilding communities through our Love Your Neighbor Ministries program. Through this initiative, we have endeavored to foster love and community spirit by actively engaging with and supporting our neighbors, reflecting the core teachings of Christ in practical and meaningful ways. 

Contact Us

Please fill out this form with any questions that you may have about our ministry, reading plans, or in person coaching for you and/or your church leadership. Pastor Dave will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours of receiving it.

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